Our ethos here at Kickstart, as we mention on our front page, is to recognise that no one person or company can know everything. We like to think that we separate ourselves from other consultancies by being prepaired to say that we cant help in some areas. Unless we have an excellent level of knowledge of the technology, we would rather recommend someone we know that has, rather than trying to "learn on the job". This frees us up to concentrate on what we are good at and to doing that to a very high standard

One prime example of this is that we dont offer website design services. We will happily recommend people that do. What we can do is advise you on hosting and monitoring your new site once its online.

We are still a small company and care deeply about the quality of our work and our relationship with our clients. We work closely with our customers and try to develop a strong relationship with them, so that we can better understand their needs


We are strong advocates of Open Source technologies where appropriate. Are they always the best solution for every customer? Well no, however if budgets are constrained, you would be unwise to rule them out.

Most places we find ourselves at use a mix of open and closed source software. We will happily recommend the appropriate and supportable solution for your business, be it commercial or Open Source